Davis Ranch
The Home of Sloughhouse Sweet Corn
"As Fresh As It Gets"

Starting the day after Thanksgiving (11/29/24) we will open the tree lot for choose and cut Christmas trees. Check out our Christmas Trees Here!
Christmas Time is Here!
Sloughhouse U-Pick
Last Day for 2024 will be 11/16/24​
Tuesdays and Saturdays ONLY
Late June through early November​
Sunrise - 1pm
$.45 per lb CASH/ $.50 per lb CARD
$20 Minimum
Please bring your own boxes and bags.
This season we expect to have corn, cucumbers, summer squash, green beans, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, winter squash, pumpkins and melons.
Remember, all produce is seasonal and supplies are limited. Please call our U-PICK LINE below for a recorded message on what is available each week.
13211 Jackson Road
Sloughhouse, CA 95683
Back Parking Lot
Follow the signs for U-PICK
U-PICK LINE : (916)502-7983